Mission Accomplished?

An investigative report produced in collaboration with Border Forensics, Mission Accomplished mobilises new and unique geo-spatial analysis and remote sensing methodologies to contribute to a better empirical analysis of the lethal effects of Niger’s Law 2015-36. Legislation drafted under the auspices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), with financial support from Italy and Denmark. The report seeks to better understand the effects of the law on migratory dynamics, through an analysis of essential cross-Saharan infrastructures of mobility and militarisation. 

The cartographic and geo-spatial methodologies developed for the report are evidentiary building blocks, documenting the effects of European border externalisation in Niger. This evidence may support calls for increased accountability of all actors participating in border management, in particular the Nigerien government, the EU, and its Member States, as well as UN agencies. Full report available here.

Image: Map showing sweat loss modelling in relation to migratory dynamics, demonstrating the damaging effects of militarisation as migrants are pushed further into the desert along the Niger-Libya border.


Charles Heller - Research Director
Lorenzo Pezzani - Research Director
Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta - Research
Tara Plath - Project Coordination
Sam Chambers - Analysis
Stanislas Michel - Analysis
Rossana Padeletti - Remote Sensing
Jack Isles - Cartography
Giovanna Reder - Cartography